
Phase 1

√ Research ICO projects and share it with PCN community √ Write the PCN white paper √ Grow the PCN community to 100+ members √ Grow the PCN developer team √ Deploy collective community ICO buying strategy √ Research the PCN protocol √ Prototype Creation of the PCN Protocol √ Designing the PCN Governed Liquidity Protocol √ Create the PCN Defi Token with the PCN community developers √ Build website / Social media setup

Phase 2

√ Launch a Pre-sale for 2 month or one month and half √ Deploy smart contract √ Deploy PCN BNB Reward Mechanism √ Activate the PCN Marketing Machine √ PCN Defi Token launch √ Release the PCN Token audit √ Recruitement process opening for full time researchers √ PCN Reward Mechanism launch √ Listing on various small exchanges √ Listing PCN in Pancake Swap √ Distribution token for Pre-sale investor

Phase 3

√ Listed on √ Re-Design website √ PhoenixChain development √ Listed on Coingecko and Coinmarketcap √ Educational Content & Consulting √ Processing our legality company

Phase 4

√ Deploying the PCN DAPP √ Launching the first PCN wallet project √ Auditing and stress-testing the PCN swap platform √ Launch the PCN Exchange √ Research the Big PCN approved project √ Deploying the PCN NFT Marketplace √ Launch the PCN NFT Marketplace √ Tier 3 exchange listing √ Migrate & Crossing chain on PhoenixChain (The new Blockchain) √ Listing in Binance

Please note $PCN roadmap can be changed in future depend on the community.

Last updated

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